Vipassana courses at the Global Vipassana Pagoda Mumbai

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The Global Vipassana Pagoda in Mumbai primarily offers Vipassana meditation courses to individuals interested in learning and practicing this ancient technique. Vipassana is a non-sectarian meditation practice taught by Gautama Buddha that focuses on developing insight and self-awareness. Here are some details about the courses offered at the Pagoda:

Introduction to Vipassana Course: This is a 1-day course that provides an introduction to Vipassana meditation. It includes an overview of the technique, guided meditation sessions, and discourses on the theory and practice of Vipassana.

10-Day Vipassana Meditation Course: This is the main course offered at the Pagoda and is a residential program spanning 10 days. It provides a comprehensive training in Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka. The course is conducted in a silent and disciplined environment and includes periods of guided meditation, instructions, discourses, and group discussions.

Satipatthana Sutta Course: This advanced course is for those who have completed at least one 10-day Vipassana course and have been practicing Vipassana regularly. It focuses on the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha's discourse on the four foundations of mindfulness. The course provides a deeper understanding and practice of Vipassana meditation.

It's important to note that Vipassana courses at the Global Vipassana Pagoda are conducted on a non-commercial, non-sectarian basis. The courses are offered free of charge, and the Pagoda operates based on voluntary donations from those who have completed the courses and wish to contribute.

To attend a Vipassana course at the Global Vipassana Pagoda in Mumbai, it is recommended to visit their official website or contact the Global Vipassana Foundation for detailed information about the course schedule, application process, and any specific requirements or guidelines for participation.

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